Former Sarasota County Sherrif Tom Knight is running for Sarasota County Commissioner for District 3. His opponent in August 20th’s primary is incumbent Neil Rainford who was appointed by Governor DeSantis in June, 2023, after Commissioner Nancy Detert passed away. I am writing this post to tell you why you should vote for Tom Knight, […]
Main Content

Paper Route Entrepreneurs
By Rob
My paper route I had as a kid taught me a lot. I have been an entrepreneur most of my life. I started my first business when I was 13 years old. My little brother and I grew nursery stock in our back yard and wholesaled it to garden centers and landscapers. It was our […]

Monetize Your Blog With EZOIC
By Rob
Most people who know even a little bit about blogging know about Google Adsense, but most do not know about a company called Ezoic. They are A Google Certified Publishing Partner. What that means is Google has reviewed the company for competency, technology and ethics. A Google Partner can manage your Adsense account for you. […]

Getting Traffic to Your Blog
By Rob
TRAFFIC. When you’re stuck in it on the highway, it sucks. When you have a blog, traffic is EVERYTHING. So how do you go about getting traffic to your blog? There’s not a simple answer. There is nothing more frustrating than putting a lot of time and energy into creating a blog and having NO […]

Zoey the Awesome Dog
By Rob
If you like dogs, you want to have an awesome dog. Of course if you have a dog, you already think it’s awesome. They all are in their own way. I’ve had three dogs in my lifetime and my current dog, Zoey, is the most awesome dog I’ve ever had. She’s a 70 pound American […]

Make Someone’s Day Every Day
By Rob
Make someone’s day, every day. What do I mean by that? When I say that, I mean it. I try to make anyone I come in contact with laugh, smile or be uplifted in some way. It can be a very real part of your personal excellence if you try it. I get that from […]

Business Around a Lifestyle
By Rob
People talk about “lifestyle businesses,” I prefer to call it business around a lifestyle. For me, my online business endeavors have always been more about the lifestyle than the money. I have friends who work in their own businesses or have regular jobs who may make a lot of money, but they don’t have a […]

Updating Shark Tank Blog
By Rob
I spent about five months updating my Shark Tank Blog. I went through every page and post on the site. That’s a total of 3048 posts/pages! I updated the status of every business that appeared on Shark Tank to “today.” I also found businesses that were acquired, closed and even some that acquired other companies. […]

Pink Floyd and The Art of Blogging
By Rob
Unless you live under a rock, you must have heard of the band Pink Floyd. If you haven’t, go take a second to Google them. In my opinion, they are one of the best rock bands of all time. They are so good I listen to them daily. Yes daily. Their music has become part […]

My Florida Voting Guide
By Rob
If you want the short version of my Florida Voting guide, click HERE to display an easy to read version when you VOTE. I decided to write my own Florida voting guide for the many friends and relatives who asked me who they should vote for. If I can have an effect on the election […]

Who and What to Vote for In Florida
By Rob
Want to know who to vote for? CLICK HERE for a detailed version of my Florida Voting Guide. Vote for Venice City Council Fred Fraize Vote for Sarasota County Charter review Board Seats District 1: Krista Lohr District 2: Mindy Lou Simmons District 5: Kevin Connelly Hospital Board Seats Hospital Board Central District Seat 2: […]

SEO and Site Structure
By Rob
SEO, short for “Search Engine Optimization, is important to consider when building out a new website from scratch. As I’ve stated many times, I use the Genesis Framework by Studiopress as my WordPress theme(s) and I host on WP Engine servers. Where you host is important for SEO as speed/load times are an important consideration. […]

Suncoast Fishing Piers
By Rob
Suncoast Fishing Piers is LIVE! After setting the shell site up on WP Engine with my daughter, we got the domain name We decided on the “Brunch Theme” from the Studiopress Genesis Framework (my daughter’s choice) and began designing the site. I have the “Pro Plan” from Genesis which gives me every theme they […]

New WP Engine Website
By Rob
My newest WP Engine website is under construction! My daughter and I are building it together. Since we like to go fishing a lot, we decided we’d do a website about pier fishing in our area of Florida. There are more than a dozen good fishing piers within 20 miles of our house, so we […]

Rob Merlino Dot Com is BACK!!!
By Rob
It’s been several YEARS since I wrote ANYTHING on Rob Merlino dot com! The reason is, I’ve been wicked busy with other projects like the Shark Tank Blog. I also had my site HACKED while it was hosted on Hostgator! Long story short: I let Rob Merlino dot com fester in the netherworld of unpublished […]
Some Things that helped me
By Rob
There are a host of “make money with your Blog” sites out there. Sifting through them all, I have realized that some are junk, some are excellent and many are repetitive. Before you go spending money on some e-book or manual that tells you how to make money with your blog (like the sites, there […]
Getting Traffic to your Blog
By Rob
TRAFFIC. When you’re stuck in it on the highway, it sucks. When you have a blog, traffic is EVERYTHING. So how do you get traffic? There’s not a simple answer. There is nothing more frustrating than putting a lot of time and energy into creating a blog and having NO ONE even LOOK at it. […]
Paid Posting
By Rob
Paid posting sites enjoyed a HUGE SPLASH a few years ago. The way it works is you join a pay to post site and sign up for offers that your blog qualifies for. You can get paid anywhere from a dollar or two to over $300 for one post! This is a good way to […]
By Rob
Adsense. On the net, it’s ubiquitous. I have Adsense on many of my sites. Some webmasters and bloggers scorn it, others swear by it. Some have gotten rich from it, others make just pennies a day. What should you do about Adsense? There are so many bloggers out there who think they can slap together […]
Coming soon….
By Rob
This site is under construction and will relaunch soon. I am moving hosts to WP Engine and migrating all content. Please check back soon!

Getting my Shark Tank On
By Rob
I have been neglecting this blog because I have been very busy with my Shark Tank Blog. The show just finished up a 6 week run of new episodes, which kept me busy keeping the site updated with quality content. There are a lot of Shark Tank related websites out there – certainly more than there […]
Free Traffic Wiz
By Rob
Free Traffic Wiz is a video course authored by one of my internet buddies, Vinay Patankar. Vinay is a 25 year old computer genius who is currently traveling the world while he earns money from his various e-commerce sites. He was a Cisco Certified Software Engineer at age 16 and after working on SEO for […]
Seasonal Niche Sites
By Rob
If you are into creating niche sites, you should consider what I call “seasonal niches.” A seasonal niche is just what it sounds like- it is only a niche during a certain season. Christmas sites, Halloween sites etc all have short windows of high level search activity in relation to their “season.” After all, you […]
Google Sniper 2
By Rob
There are many ways you can learn how to earn money from Google, but you need a website (or many websites) to get good revenue on your Adsense ads. Now I don’t usually tout the latest system to make money online-99.9% of them are useless crap. This system, Google Sniper 2, is one of those […]
Google Sniper 2
By Rob
I don’t usually tout the latest system to make money online-99.9% of them are useless crap. This system, Google Sniper 2, is one of those .1% “systems” that actually delivers. I have been using the original Google Sniper manual for almost a year, and I have seen some very good results. If you’ve always wanted […]
Add Cool Social Networking Buttons to Blogger Template
By Rob
See the cool social bookmarking buttons at the bottom of each post? If you would like them on your Blogger Blog, do the following: 1. Go to the “Design” tab 2. Click “Edit HTML” 3. Check “Expand Widget Templates” 4. Hit “Ctrl f” on your keyboard and find <b:if cond=’data:post.hasJumpLink’><br /> <div class=’jump-link’> <a expr:href=’data:post.url […]
Where is the Adsense on this site
By Rob
You may be wondering why a website titled How to Earn Money from Google does NOT have Adsense on it. The answer is pretty simple: it would be against Google’s Program Policies. Specifically: “AdSense publishers are not permitted tomake prominent use of “Google Brand Features” on sites displaying Googleads. This includes any sites that attempt to […]
Link Control
By Rob
Here’s an article I wrote on Ezine articles about Link Control, Shoemoney’s cool new affiliate marketing linking software. I have several articles on Ezine and I am an Expert Publisher! Here’s the article: Link Control was developed by Jeremy “Shoemoney” Schoemaker, a famous blogger and affiliate marketing guru (although he’s not crazy about the term). […]
Make Money Online with the Hotdogman
By Rob
I love Google. I do. I really do. Why? Because I have made tens of thousands of dollars using Google to make blogs, web sites, serve advertisements and make money online. This site gets thousands of visitors every month, and it’s only one of the many I own and operate. About five years ago, I […]
Grand Opening Contest
By Rob
As a promotional tool, I am offering a FREE WEBSITE to one lucky winner. All you have to do is fill out the contact form IN FULL and you are entered in the contest. Winners will be randomly drawn from all entries and will get my basic service package as listed on the PRICING PAGE […]
By Rob
Please use the form to the right to contact me or go to the CONTACT PAGE. If you want me to call you, please include your phone number. The information used on this form will be used only to contact you in relation to your inquiry about Your Value Site‘s services. I don’t sell lists […]
By Rob
By Rob
Auto Blog Samuri
By Rob
AutoBlog Samurai is the first and only blogging software that helps you build multiple revenue streams online with a few clicks of the mouse. This is one of it’s kind, never seen before software that can create profitable blogs with ease. Auto Blog Samurai is a quality product and is created by popular internet marketer […]
By Rob
By Rob
By Rob
* “Seven” is short for “Code Seven” which means a cop is calling in that he’s stopping for a meal break.
Email Marketing
By Rob
Without going into too much detail, affiliate marketing is when a website owner sells another’s product and earns a percentage of the sale. The most recognizable company that does this is probably There are also many other places to find products to sell via affiliate marketing: Clickbank, Commission Junction,, and many others. There are […]
Review of Hot Dog Cash
By Rob
If you have been thinking seriously about starting your own hot dog business, you probably have hundreds of questions. I started my hot dog business with about twenty minutes of training from the guy I bought my Hot Dog Truck from. The rest I learned the old fashioned way: through trial and error! I eventually […]
How to Transfer Domain Names With Blogger
By Rob
I have discussed URLs and Blogging platforms on Hot Dog! Money Online. This article is for people using Blogger who want their own URL. If you want to transfer domain names for your website hosted with Blogger, there are three terms you will need to familiarize yourself with. The first is DNS or Domain Name […]
Link Love
By Rob
Do you want more visitors to your site? Then you need TRAFFIC. Let’s face it, without traffic, nobody is reading what you have to say. On the internet, as you know, LINKS =TRAFFIC. Links are an essential thing for any website, blog or otherwise, to get noticed by the search engines. People sell links, buy […]
Craigslist can send you traffic
By Rob
Everyone knows Craigslist. It is on of the most visited sites on the internet. It’s a great place to find a used car, apartment, or job. There are many internet “guru” types that say you can “Get Rich with Craigslist.” I don’t know about getting rich, but you can get traffic. There is a section […]
Make Money Online Easily – The Hot Dog Principle!
By Rob
Here’s a nifty article explaining how people earn money online while comparing it to something I know a lot about: Selling Hot Dogs Make Money Online Easily – The Hot Dog Principle! Author: Jason Middleton As little as a quarter of a century ago there was no internet to speak of, and if you wanted […]
To URL or not to URL
By Rob
That is the question! For those of you who don’t know, URL is short for Uniform Resource Locator. Simply put, it’s the website’s address. The URL for this site is If you want to know all about URLs, check the Wiki. I am not a computer science professor, nor do I want to be! […]
What Blog Host is Best? Or Seven Bucks and a free host
By Rob
There are literally hundreds of blog platforms out there. There are free hosts and paid hosts. Which is best for the newbie blogger? While I don’t intend to review every single host out there, I intend to deal with the “biggies.” Blogger and WordPress are the two most used blogging platforms out there. I have […]
Why this Blog?
By Rob
If you’re reading this, you may be asking yourself, “does the world really need another money making blog?” The world may not need it, but I do! Let me tell you how I came to start this site. In 2004, after nearly 20 years in the working world, I realized a dream. It was a […]
By Rob
By Rob
By Rob
By Rob
By Rob
By Rob
By Rob
By Rob
By Rob